Launching our 2022-2023 Impact Report

Written by: Mauricio Viales
We proudly present our Impact Report as a continued accountability, appreciation, and inspiration piece representing the many voices that make this community. We have much to celebrate and look forward to in the coming years, and yet, we understand that the work we do today is the groundwork for a better and more sustainable future.
Let us remember that the values of reciprocityempathy, and accountability are not confined to the pages of this report; they are principles that can be woven into the very fabric of our everyday lives. As we look to the future, let us embrace each day as an opportunity to reciprocate the kindness we've received, to extend empathy to those we encounter, and to hold ourselves accountable for the world we wish to create.

Thanks to your solidarity and support, we can continue working aligned with our vision of making education a force to unite and transform. We hope you enjoy reading the 2022-2023 Impact Report and fill your day with inspiration, motivation, and enthusiasm. 

Once again, ¡muchas gracias! We did all this thanks to your support! 

With gratitude, hope, and commitment,

Mauricio Viales, Head of College.

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List of 3 news stories.

  • Connection and Creativity for a Lifetime

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  • Green Schools National Network Workshop at UWC Costa Rica

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  • Agents of Change at CTP San Isidro

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Our mission: To cultivate in young people the passion and ability to serve humanity and our planet—learning from nature and from each other for a lifetime.

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